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Bigg Boss 13 February 4th, 2020 Episode Update: Hina Khan goes into the house to propel her film

Hina Khan goes into the house to propel her film. She says we will play a game wherein the affiliations will finish up who is the leader of ...

Hina Khan goes into the house to propel her film. She says we will play a game wherein the affiliations will finish up who is the leader of the house. Kash says I trust it's Sid. Vikas says we make Sid the ruler. Hina says then we have the sovereign. They give the title to Sana. Hina says who is a specialist? Shefali says it's Asim. Kash says I trust it's Mahira. Reverential says Mahira is following Paras. Akash says it's Vishal. Himanshi accepts Mahira's name also. Paras says Asim is an employee of Rashami. Asim demands that he shut up. Asim says Mahira is a lover, don't point at me. Paras thinks of him as an enthusiast. Reverential says we pick Mahira as she plays as Paras' shadow. They offer it to her. Mahira says this is a family relationship and I am not an employee. Hina says next is a joker. Shefali says Vishal for me. Vikas says Sana is a joker. Kunal restores Sana's name for going to Sid continually. Vishal says I didn't let myself become a joke with Madhu. Sid says you should take your own name, you don't stand firm. Vishal says my decision was particular when Madhu was here. I would favor not to battle with you. Kash says I trust it's Vishal. They pick Vishal. Vishal says we have a ton of fun at ourselves. Hina says who is a main thrust? Reverential, Himanshi, Kunal and Kash take Asim's name. Vikas says there is a specialist player which is Rashami and no one can see it. They pick Asim as the main impetus.

Salman partners the call to the house. Salman approaches Mahira for what legitimate explanation she didn't agree? Mahira says since it's a friendship for me. Salman says Vishal shouldn't something be said about you? Vishal says Sana makes some fantastic memories of herself also. I can take Rashami's name likewise as people disparage her. Rashami says I am not making a joke of myself like that. Salman demands that they bring the treats. They do. Salman asks Kash what she was talking with Arti about? Kash says I was examining Sid, I thought Arti started to look all starry peered toward at Sid so I asked her anyway Arti is jumbled. Arti says don't do it. Kash says Arti said that he is a friend. Arti says I said that he is a legend yet our characters don't facilitate, I have to deal with Kash yet I have a choice at this point. All chuckle.

Salman tells the prisoners that people are talking about you. They understand you well. The fans are sending suggestion so we may get someone married in the finale, all giggle. Salman requests Sana what kind from individual she needs? She says like Gautam or Karthik. Sid doesn't feel that I am reliable. I like Gautam's exhibitions and Karthik is my dream kid. Salman requests Sid what kind from a youngster he needs? Sid says like the youngster you need. Salman chuckles. Sid says I need a trustworthy youngster and who is impeccable with me.
Salman reveals to Asim that the way Shefali calls Asim is mind boggling. Shefali sweetly calls him. Salman asks about whether his recommendation was real or fake? Asim says I genuinely love her. Salman says you blundered as well. Asim says she said that we will talk outside. Salman says yet you kept asking her. Asim says she saw me suffering here a lot, she came here to support me. Salman says Himanshi denied having expressions of love for you when she returned. Asim says I uncovered to her that we will talk after this show. Salman says we know various things anyway what are various things that you are not telling? You are proposing her for marriage here. Asim says I unveiled to her that I look like this solitary, I don't change. Salman says by what method may you propose on a national TV? Himanshi says when I was here, things were exceptional yet when I went out, people offended me that I used my life accomplice and got Asim. Salman asks who is close Asim outside? Asim says this thing is jumping up, I have uncovered to Himanshi starting at now. Salman says clear it. Asim says I have cleared it before coming here. Salman says you bantered with Sid and said there would somebody say somebody is a significant piece of your life starting at now, does Himanshi know? Himanshi looks on. Salman says you people are not clear outside the house? You will uncover to her later that there is someone outside. Asim says I love Himanshi, I am staying with her. Salman says I don't get this, a youngster isn't giving you the thought and you are making a simpleton of yourself. Is this satire for you? Do you think this is a joke for Himanshi? In case Himanshi said a last goodbye to Chao, by then she would have gone into the house and said that she left her assistant since she comprehended that she is fascinated with you yet that was not the circumstance. I think this is a ricochet back case. You like her and when she returned in light of the fact that her accessory isn't with her any more. Asim says Himanshi needs some time. Salman says she didn't concede her veneration. Himanshi says I was sure but at this point you are talking about his partner outside. Salman says what happened in the house is okay, we will know later. Himanshi says we are clear with each other. Salman laughs and says for what reason would you say you are disclosing to such a degree? Asim says I am clear. Salman says Asim has not isolated. Asim says yes I have. Himanshi says really, I love him. Asim says this ex is jumping up anyway I will clear things later. Salman says you have destroyed Himanshi's life, they were dating each other for quite a while. Asim says I was dating that youngster for an eighteen months. Salman says you didn't encourage about that to Himanshi? You have sped up her life national TV anyway you couldn't talk about your ex to her?

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